Everest and MDH masala has cancer causing chemicals

Everest and MDH banned in Singapore and Hong Kong

Hong Kong and Singapore have recently implemented bans on the sale of two well-known Indian spice brands, MDH Pvt. and Everest Food Products Pvt., following the discovery of a harmful substance known as ethylene oxide in certain spice mixes produced by these companies. In Hong Kong, ethylene oxide was detected in three spice mixes manufactured by MDH Group – Madras Curry Powder, Sambhar Masala Powder, and Curry Powder. Similarly, in Singapore, ethylene oxide was found in one of Everest Group’s spice mixes, Fish Curry Masala.

In response to these findings, measures have been taken by both regions to ensure public safety. The affected products have been removed from store shelves, and sales of these items have been suspended. Furthermore, Singapore has issued a recall of Everest’s products to prevent further distribution and consumption.

mdh everest

This isn’t the first time that Indian spice brands have encountered regulatory issues outside of India. In 2023, Everest Food Products was mandated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to recall their spices due to the presence of Salmonella bacteria. Such incidents underscore the importance of stringent quality control measures and regulatory oversight in the food industry to safeguard consumer health and well-being.

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