Bal Guti – Home remedy for baby, diarrhea, constipation, cold and cough, sleep cycle, etc.

To begin with, Bal means baby, and Guti means paste. In short, Bal Guti is a paste that is a combination of 20 different medicinal herbs. Indeed having a baby is very exciting for parents but it is equally exciting for the baby as well. After nine months of being in a well-cushioned environment, when the baby is born, he or she is exposed to many different viruses and bacteria.

So, the baby experiences many health issues like diarrhea, constipation, cold and cough, sleep cycle changes, etc Using a home remedy for addressing these problems is called Bal Guti.


The pre-made Bal Guti which is available in the market, has honey so I do not recommend those. Bal Guti we discuss here is an ayurvedic treatment but if the problem persists longer do consult your doctor immediately.

History of Bal Guti

Additionally, people have been using Bal Guti for hundreds of years, and is proven to be safe and effective for babies. So, specific herbs cure specific problems which you will find below in detail. In fact, this is an ayurvedic first aid treatment that you give to your baby. But do refer to a doctor if the problems last longer or get worse. First of all, I would like to show you how to make a paste with the herbs and after that, you will see the problems with the combination of herbs to use.

What do you need to make Bal Guti?

To begin with, you will need a rubbing stone, you can buy this from Amazon or your local market, should be easily available, and Green Pharmacy Bal Guti. This kit has all the herbs that you need to make your own Bal Guti.

How to make Bal Guti paste?

So, you need to put a spoon of milk (formula or breastmilk), on this rock. Now, slowly rub each herb on the stone one at a time. In the beginning, rub each herb a maximum of 5 times, then as your baby grows keep increasing the turns. After that collect the paste that forms on the stone in a bowl or spoon.

When to give Bal Guti?

Generally, there is a daily Bal Guti that you need to give to your child but if your baby is having any problem you can make that particular Guti by increasing the turns of that specific ingredient in the Bal Guti. Importantly, make the Bal Guti paste fresh every day, with breast milk or formula.

DIY Bal Guti

Know your herbs in bal guti

First of all, wash, and sun dry the herbs then store them in a dry airtight container before use. Furthermore, the moisture content in the herbs leads to fungal growth in the herbs. Therefore, sundry the herbs frequently. For example, I dry my herbs after each use and once a week wash them and dry them nicely. However, if it is raining like it sometimes does, for days when there is no sun, you can dry them in an OTG( low temperature for a few minutes will do) or in front of a room heater.

home remedy bal guti
  1. Sagargota or Fever nut is a seed that is hard, bluish-gray with a smooth surface. And is beneficial in diarrhea, dysentery, colitis, appetite loss, fever, cough, asthma, and abdominal pain due to flatulence.

2. Murudsheng or Indian screw tree is a twisted fruit which is greenish brown in color. Since it is demulcent, it is used in diarrhea, dysentery, and intestinal colic. The pods when fried used in killing intestinal worms.

3. Kuda or Kurchi bark is pale brown in color and brittle. And is used in treating diarrhea, amoebic dysentery, irritable bowel syndrome, and associated fever.

4. Maiphal or Oak Gall are not fruits or seeds but galls arising on young branches as a defense against gall wasps, they are brown round balls with holes of eruptions on them. As this is astringent, it is used to treat dysentery, vomiting, running nose, and cough. In addition, it is also anti-fungal, antiviral and anti-bacterial.

5. Vekhand or Sweet Flag are brown rhizomes as thick as a finger having nodes and internodes. Since it improves speech, it is given along with ghee in stammering and to kids with delayed speech. Also, it expels cough, reduces inflammation and infection of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract, and treats fever.

6. Dikemali or Cumbi Gum is golden yellowish in color. As it is astringent and antiseptic, it is helpful during teething. Moreover, when babies suffer from inflamed gums, fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and gases. In addition, it is given to children who have PICA syndrome as it is not dissolved easily. Also, it has a strong smell so it prevents the child from putting things in their mouth and trying to taste them.

7. Hirda and Bal Hirda or Chebulic Myrobalan is hard and brownish green in color. As it is a natural laxative it helps to clear bowels, improving appetite, and digestion.

8. Ativish or Atis roots are tuberous roots, grey smooth from the outside and white inside. Since it removes the poisonous toxins from the body it is best for pediatric health and promotes metabolism by working on the digestive system. As it is pungent, it is used for fever, is a blood purifier, reduces phlegm, and clears airways.

9. Haldi or Turmeric is a yellow color root. As it is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-periodic it is used to cure, cough, fever, gastric and skin diseases, allergic rhinitis, allergic bronchitis, skin allergies and avoid the formation of cough.

10. Jaiphal or Nutmeg is a brown color seed. As it is known as the digestive tonic, it helps to control diarrhea and vomiting and aids the sleep cycle.

11. Nagarmotha or Nutgrass is brownish-black tube-like. Also This is used during burning micturition, gastric disorders, fever or in excessive thirst.

12. Suntha or dry ginger is yellowish brown. Since it is a rich source of antioxidants and enzymes it helps in the gut, increases body temperature, and improves immunity, it is also a taste bud stimulant, relieves constipation, and cures abdominal colic.

13. Pimpali or Long pepper is brown-black and consists of some tiny fruits embedded on the surface of a flower spike. Due to its stimulant properties, it reduces cough, asthma, and fever. Along with the lungs, it is also a stimulant for the liver and spleen. Hence, it detoxifies and is digestive.

14. Beheda or Belliric Myrobalan is an oval brown-grey fruit. Along with being rejuvenating and laxative, it also promotes longevity, boosts immunity, improves mental faculties, enhances body resistance against diseases, helps in loss of appetite, flatulence, thirst, piles, and worms, beneficial for hair, throat, eyes, cough, cold, hoarseness of voice, asthma, alleviates cough, relieves blocked phlegm, controls bleeding in the sputum, and eases bronchospasms.

15. Kakashingi or Zebrawood is an outgrowth on the leaves of Hirda, it is pale yellow-green in color. Since it is an astringent, it is used to treat cough, cold, asthma, pediatric common cold, teething troubles, throat infection, vomiting, and diarrhea.

16. Jeshthimadh or Liquorice is chocolate brown color sticks. Due to it being an emollient it is used to treat cough, asthma, hoarseness of voice, improves the skin texture and vision, it is an antacid and mild laxative.

17. Ashwagandha or Winter cherry is a cylindrical brownish-white stick. As it is known as nutrition to building blocks of the body, it provides the necessary nutrition that a child requires at the respective age. Also, it is a nervous tonic.

18. Kharik or dry dates is a brown fruit. As it contains a lot of vitamins and iron, it is an energizer and gives strength.

19. Badam or Almond is a soft brown seed. As it is a rich source of Vitamin E and A and a rich source of fiber, it helps in preventing constipation, aids in proper digestion, and improves brain development.

Which herbs of Bal Guti to use with specific problems

Finally, you can find below the problems and how to cure them

Daily Bal Guti

So, there are some herbs that you should give your child daily in order to prevent cough, worms, and indigestion. And the baby’s immune system is weak during the first year.

  • Dry dates
  • Almonds
  • Liquorice
  • Sweet Flag or Vekhand
  • Bal Hirda
  • Winter cherry or Ashwagandha
  • Dry Ginger
  • Atis
  • Turmeric
  • Nutmeg
  • Dikemali


Home remedy to cure baby constipation with Bal Guti

  • Hirda or Bal Hirda
  • Dry ginger
  • Liquorice.

Indigestion and stomach ache

When the baby has Indigestion and stomach ache

  • Fever nut
  • Dry Ginger
  • Atis
  • Bal Hirda
  • Nutgrass

Diarrhea, dysentery, and loose motions

Home remedy to cure Diarrhea, dysentery, and loose motions

  • Kurchi bark
  • Nutmeg
  • Nutgrass
  • Murudsheng
  • Maiphal
  • Atis

Worms and infestations

Cure worms and infestations in baby

  • Sweet flag
  • Dikemali
  • Atis
  • Hirda
  • Bal Hirda


Home remedy to relieve teething troubles

  • Dikemali


Ayurvedic treatment to cure fever

  • Atis
  • Nutgrass
  • Kakashingi
  • Dry ginger
  • Long pepper


Cure baby allergy at home

  • Nutgrass
  • Turmeric

Sore throat

Home remedy for sore throat

  • Sweet flag
  • Turmeric
  • Beheda
  • Liquorice
  • Kakadshingi

Dry cough

Cure dry cough with these herbs

  • Beheda
  • Liquorice

Cough and cold

Home remedy to cure Cough and cold

  • Dry ginger
  • Long pepper
  • Sweet flag
  • Liquorice
  • Kakadshingi

Sleep Cycle

Moreover, if your baby is struggling to sleep through the night give a nutmeg paste at night before bedtime, this will help the baby to fall asleep faster and stay asleep. Additionally, there is a detailed article that tells how to improve the sleep cycle in 7 steps. Click here to know more.

  • Nutmeg

Bal Guti in conclusion

Bal Guti is an old Ayurvedic treatment, it has the cure for all the problems a baby faces in the first year. Give it a try and see the changes in your baby

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